
Showing posts from June, 2016

What are you going to live for?

We will be starting week 9 of dts this week.  We only have 4 weeks left of our lecture phase and only 2 more weeks until we start our performances here on the island at a school, a prison, and here on campus. This time is so rich with new revelations, challenges, and growth.  I am learning so much about God, myself, and life in general.  The HeartBridge dts has the busiest schedule on campus (8am to about 9pm).  Our days are very long, but our weeks go by so fast.  I know that this time will be over before I know it and I want to savor every minute of it, soaking in as much as I can.   Our second week of dts, we were challenged with this question: "What are you going to live for?"  We have a limited amount of time on this earth so how can we make the most of our time?  We can't take any material things with us to heaven, but what we can bring with us are people.  Our time on earth isn't about us, its about a bigger picture.   For me this made a lot of sense.  I