
Showing posts from January, 2022


It took a couple of days after moving in with my roommates in South Carolina to notice them. I was laying in bed when I noticed dim lights scattered all over my popcorn ceiling. I reached for my glasses and when I put them on, there were, in fact, tiny glow in the dark stars on my ceiling! They are invisible during the day, but in the dark, they glow like the night sky. In that moment, I felt so seen and known by God. He knows how much I love to look at the stars, and He knew that I would be in South Carolina, in this house, in this room, at this moment in time, staring up at these stars in the middle of a hard and confusing season. It felt like He had specifically placed them there for me as a sign that I was exactly where He wanted me and also just because He knew how much I'd love them. It felt like a secret gift that only I would enjoy as a grown woman.  I used to take a few minutes before taking off my glasses to look at them. They were brightest right when I turned off the li