
Showing posts from April, 2016

You Make All Things New

Soooo goooooood!  These are the words that I have been continuously hearing from my new HeartBridge family and saying myself these past 7 days.   We have decided that it is turning into our HeartBridge slogan.  These 7 days really have been so good !  I love everyone in my dts.  There are 16 students, 8 staff, and 8 different nations represented within our group (USA, Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, New Zealand, Colombia, Korea, and Malaysia).   It's amazing how much you can connect with people in just a week.  I am so blessed by my roommates and everyones hunger to know God and make Him known through their lives. YWAM is such a special place of faith and community living.  I share a room with 5 other amazing girls (3 American, 1 South Korean, and 1 Brazilian).  I love doing life with different kinds of people and learning about different cultures.  It is amazing to see the unity that is on campus with so many different nations and cultures mixed together, living in such tight quart

Where Feet May Fail

It's time.  The idea that has been growing within me the last 5 years is no longer abstract, but is right in front of me.  All I need to do is get out of the boat and step onto the water.   What if I fail?  I'm 99% sure I heard Jesus calling me out onto the water, but what if it was just my imagination?  What if I sink?  Everyone back in the boat is watching.  What will they say? What will they think about God?   Staying in the boat would be so much easier.  It's familiar and safe.  There is a sense of security there.  It's comfortable.  I can fit in with the crowd and never be questioned.   But, Jesus isn't in the boat.  He is out on the water.  It's Jesus that I want.  Jesus is who I am after.  And if my feet fail me and I sink, at least it will be in pursuit of Him, and with that I will have no regrets.  Without taking a risk, the unknown will always remain unknown.   Thanks to Peter's risk to step out of the boat and sink in front of everyone, I