You Make All Things New

Soooo goooooood!  These are the words that I have been continuously hearing from my new HeartBridge family and saying myself these past 7 days.   We have decided that it is turning into our HeartBridge slogan.  These 7 days really have been so good!  I love everyone in my dts.  There are 16 students, 8 staff, and 8 different nations represented within our group (USA, Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, New Zealand, Colombia, Korea, and Malaysia).   It's amazing how much you can connect with people in just a week.  I am so blessed by my roommates and everyones hunger to know God and make Him known through their lives.

YWAM is such a special place of faith and community living.  I share a room with 5 other amazing girls (3 American, 1 South Korean, and 1 Brazilian).  I love doing life with different kinds of people and learning about different cultures.  It is amazing to see the unity that is on campus with so many different nations and cultures mixed together, living in such tight quarters with very little personal space.  I've heard people make the joke that it is clear that the Lord is with us here at YWAM in the simple fact that we don't all kill each other. Haha.  But I love it!  Even with the challenges.  Community sharpens and refines us.  You quickly learn the areas that you need to grow in.  You learn to be patient.  You learn to not be quick to judge before hearing someone's story.  You learn to ask for forgiveness and to forgive.  You learn to love others from a deeper place.

The Lord has been teaching me about how He sees people and how He loves them.  We are all children of God and He loves us all equally.  So why is it that we can judge people so quickly? Why is it so easy to compare ourselves to others, whether we feel better than someone or less than someone?  Many times we do it without even realizing it.  Measuring people with our haughty eyes.

Lord, give us eyes to see people the way that You see them.  Train our eyes to see people's strengths instead of their weaknesses.  May we be a people that champion others forward, rather than cutting others down, even if it is just in our minds.  You give us our worth and our value, just by being Your children.  Jesus, You died the most humiliating and painful death for every person.  We are all sinners.  Lord, help us to not look to the right or to the left to see where we stand in this world.  We are set apart, not because we are better, but because we have said "yes" to Your call.  Give us new eyes Lord, and a new heart to love others with Your unconditional love.  Thank You Lord for the opportunity that we have to grow in this everyday.

HeartBridge Performing Arts DTS 2016

Teaching the dance auditions for our HeartBridge production called "Coming Home".

If you would like to help me love on people through performing arts in Chile, Brazil, and the United States this summer, you can donate to me and join my support team through Aaron+Hur by clicking here (Partners > A+H Partners).  If you have questions or want more information about what I am doing you can email me at 


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