Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

One day in Rio de Janeiro, my friends and I went to buy a few snacks at the grocery store close to our host church. When we went to the check out, a disheveled woman, holding a baby, came up to me and handed me a bag of rice and a few other items to buy for her.  As soon as I agreed, she went away and came back with a bag of beans.  She was so bold in the way that she just handed us her food to buy for her.  

So many emotions went through my mind and heart.  I felt like a sucker being taken advantage of.  But at the same time, I had enough money to pay for her food, and scripture says that if you are able to help then you should.

"If you have two shirts, give one to the poor.  If you have food, share it with those who are hungry." -Luke 3:11.

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.  Do not say to your neighbor, 'Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow.'--when you already have it with you." -Proverbs 3:27-28.

Scripture also says that God is a provider, and maybe this is how God was wanting to provide for this woman, on this day...through me.  

She was so talkative and smiley as she spoke portuguese to us.  Her six month old was an adorable, happy, healthy looking baby boy, while she looked unhealthily thin, dirty, and her clothes were falling off of her.  How did she end up in this situation?  What was her story?  

When I see people like that I immediately think they are irresponsible.  But a few minutes after leaving the store, as we were walking back to our host church, I found myself singing under my breath the song Mercy by Amanda Cook.  And I could sense that sweet, gentle nudge from the Lord reminding me of His truth through the lyrics:  "You delight in showing mercy.  Mercy triumphs over judgement." 

I don't know who that woman was.  What her history is.  If she made a sequence of bad decisions that led her to that point or if she was simply a product of her environment.  But what I realized that day is that none of that matters.  I am not the judge.  What I know is that at that moment, I had the resources to help her with what she asked of me, and in return, she taught me more about the heart of the Father and how I can look a little more like Him.


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