Walking by Faith

I have been learning more and more that everything in life is by faith.  Every decision you make, every risk you take, every relationship you invest in, every single day you live.  We can't see the outcome of our decisions at the time we make them, and we don't know what the future holds, so we follow what we think we know and by what we feel in our heart and we step out in faith, hoping that we are staying on the best path.  It all depends on the level of vulnerability that you are willing to have to put yourself out there.  It can be as simple as starting up a conversation with someone you don't know at Starbucks.  It may lead to nothing or it could result in a new connection, friendship, or future spouse.  Or maybe you are taking a risk to apply for new a job.  Maybe you are thinking about starting a new relationship.  Nobody can escape this walk of faith.  Whether you put your faith in God or you put your faith in yourself, nothing is certain and everything is by faith.  

I am so thankful to know that I can put my faith in God.  That I am not alone on this journey.  I don't have to figure it out all by myself, but I can walk through life with Him and take each day as it comes.  

When I started my YWAM journey, it seemed impossible.  My heart and my gut told me that was what I was supposed to do, but looking at the reality of my situation of moving to Hawaii and doing a DTS that would cost a lot of money, looked impossible.  If I had made my decision based on the reality of what I saw, this past year would have looked really different, and I would have missed out on personal growth, forever friendships, and life-changing experiences.   I decided to take a leap of faith and be obedient to the direction I felt the Lord leading me in despite what many people thought. 

The journey wasn't easy, but I learned just how faithful the Lord is to us.  I received everything from encouragement to money in perfect timing.  My faith grew so much as I watched Him provide $10,000 from the most unexpected places.  Why would He do that?  Why would He send little ol' me on this incredible journey to the nations?  When I pondered these questions, I began to understand just how wide and long and high His great love is.  He not only loves me, but He loves the people that I was going to come into contact with along the way.  I am no better than anyone else.  All He is waiting for is your "yes" and your step of faith.  Don't be afraid to be obedient to the things you hear the Lord calling you to.  Don't be afraid to step out in faith to do the things in your heart because I believe He is the one that put those desires there. Sometimes we have to step out before all of the pieces line up.  I went to Hawaii with about $800.  But I can tell you that God is trustworthy.  If He called you to something and you are obedient to His voice, He will provide!  We are told to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), but how much to we miss out on by trying to do the opposite.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1

So I encourage you to do that thing that has been pulling on your heart.  Even if you don't know all of the pieces of the puzzle or how it will turn out, look to the one who does and just start with one step. After the first step, I am willing to bet that He will reveal the next and then eventually you will look back over your journey, amazed, asking "how did I get here?".  

That's how I felt!  I still don't know how I was able to do everything that I did these past 10 months, other than the knowledge that Jesus was with me every step of the way.  I am so thankful for this journey that taught me the overwhelming love and faithfulness of our Father God.  And I am so thankful for all of the people who where His hands and feet to me by supporting my mission.

So go out and \buy someone a coffee. Or start up a conversation with a stranger.  Help that person you see in need.  Pray for that person with the limp at the grocery store.  Talk to that friend about Jesus that you have been too afraid to share with.  Make that phone call that you have been putting off or ask for forgiveness from that person who hurt you.  Everyday presents endless opportunities so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open to that still small voice.

Stay tuned for testimonies from my 3 month outreach with Heartbridge Performing Arts DTS to Chile, Brazil, and the Midwest!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Emily, brazilian Davi here. I praise the Lord for your encouragement. It was very meaningful to me and very accurate to some struggles in my mind.
    I'm glad to hear that from someone I know, who does something I admire and in a way I'm willing to do myself. So, thanks. Thanks Jesus and thank you. It was REALLY helpful.
    God bless u, girl!


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