
Showing posts from 2023

Connection and the Year of the Lord's Favor

2023 has been a year of unexpected twists and turns. We felt that our word for 2023 was connection. We wanted to dive into deeper connection with our friends, family, God, and with each other. I also felt that God was saying 2023 would be "the year of the Lord's favor" (Isaiah 61).  January started off strong with connecting with friends. We had vision for the year and motivation.  We decided that we wanted to try to start a family and on Valentines day, we found out we were pregnant! Daniel was very excited and I found myself feeling a little overwhelmed and nervous to take on a new role as a mother. I was also very nervous about having a miscarriage because my mother had one before I was born. At our first ultrasound my fears became reality. There was no heartbeat and our baby was measuring to be small. The doctor had us wait another 10 days to be sure that we had miscarried and at our second appointment on St. Patrick's day, the miscarriage was confirmed. We lost o