
Showing posts from 2015

To Know God and To Make Him Known

My life in Houston was rich with opportunities and fellowship as I was surrounded by amazing people at Ad Deum, my church ( Mission24 ), and my work ( West University Dance Centre ).  I loved my life in Houston, but I began to feel a stirring in my heart and a restlessness that change was coming.  There were many sleepless nights trying to figure it out.  I had many desires in my heart.  Part of me wanted to move home to be closer to family.  I lived away from home for about 5 years, and was tired of missing out on family events and activities with my nieces and nephews.  But then there was another part of me that was yearning for adventure, like caring for orphans in Africa or doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I first learned about YWAM through Ad Deum. The history of Ad Deum actually traces back to a YWAM base in Switzerland. Here's a little information about YWAM I copied from their website: "Youth With A Mission is a g

Unto God

In Summer 2011, my life forever changed when I found myself at Ad Deum Dance Company's  Summer Dance Intensive at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida.  It was as though all of the stars aligned and I knew what God made me for.  Ad Deum means "unto God" and for the first time in my life I saw what it looked like to dance for God with excellence.   I have loved God and dance ever since I can remember, but those two things had always been separate to me, unless I was dancing at church or dancing to a gospel song.  I loved the Lord in my heart, but my dancing was just something I was good at and could entertain audiences with.  Until that point, Christian dance that I had seen was just mediocre.  I knew that it was all beautiful and honoring to the Lord, but I wanted to be challenged in my dancing after working so hard for years to perfect my technique.  But because I was researching dance companies, I decided to look up Christian dance companies on google just to see

Come Away With Me!

It has been a long time coming, but I finally have a blog!  I am in a new season of life, with new adventures on the horizon, and I want you to be able to join me.  This January, I will be moving to Kona, Hawaii for 9 months to serve Youth with A Mission (YWAM).  <--This has also been a long time coming, and I will be sharing that process in other blog posts soon.  It is my hope that you will get to experience the awe and wonder of God as I share stories that have led me to this decision, and as I share new stories of my experiences with YWAM.  If you know me, you know that I am a dancer.  And if you really know me, you know that beyond that, I am a worshipper.  My journey with dance started when my mom put me in dance at 2.5 years old.  She had no idea what she was getting herself into!  The majority of my dance training growing up came from a local studio (South Dayton School of Dance) that had a pre-professional dance company (South Dayton Dance Theatre).  We had great training