Unto God

In Summer 2011, my life forever changed when I found myself at Ad Deum Dance Company's Summer Dance Intensive at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida.  It was as though all of the stars aligned and I knew what God made me for.  Ad Deum means "unto God" and for the first time in my life I saw what it looked like to dance for God with excellence.  

I have loved God and dance ever since I can remember, but those two things had always been separate to me, unless I was dancing at church or dancing to a gospel song.  I loved the Lord in my heart, but my dancing was just something I was good at and could entertain audiences with.  Until that point, Christian dance that I had seen was just mediocre.  I knew that it was all beautiful and honoring to the Lord, but I wanted to be challenged in my dancing after working so hard for years to perfect my technique.  But because I was researching dance companies, I decided to look up Christian dance companies on google just to see what was out there and wouldn't you know...Ad Deum Dance Company is the first one to pop up on the list of results! 

Honestly, I was intrigued by Ad Deum, but wrote them off fairly quickly.  You never really know what "Christian dance" can mean haha.  But, Ad Deum kept popping back up, and the following summer, in my last attempt to dance, I went to their intensive. 

It was there that I met Ad Deum's artistic director, Randall Flinn, and a group of dancers that were beautiful from the inside out.  They had incredible technique, the choreography was captivating, and I just couldn't get over the fact that they were Christians and were serving Him through their dancing with excellence.  For the first time in my life, I knew what it meant when people said that they "just knew".  I "just knew" that all of my training and experiences with faith had prepared me to serve the Lord by dancing with Ad Deum.  Luckily, Randy knew too, and I was offered a spot with the company at the end of the week.  Within three weeks I moved to Houston without ever having been to Texas before, and I began an amazing 4 year journey dancing with Ad Deum.  

I truly experienced Ephesians 3:20 (Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us). All the goals I had set for myself as a kid were fulfilled in my very first year at Ad Deum. I was in constant awe and asked my roommates to pinch me often because I thought I must be dreaming! I grew so much during my four years there, learning about God, myself, and what it means to be a servant-artist.  And, the best part is that I now have amazing, inspiring, irreplaceable  friendships with people all over the world.  God is the divine connector! 

3 things:
1.  Don't give up on your dreams!  Chances are the Lord has put those desires and gifts within you for a divine purpose!
2.  Check out Ad Deum Dance Company's website to learn more about them and their mission as Christian artists.  They are amazing dancers and people.
3.  Go to an Ad Deum Dance Intensive!  They have one in Houston in the spring and summer, and you can even go to one in Switzerland (stay tuned on their website for those)! I promise that you won't regret going!  It is a time of growing in your dancing and in your identity.  Always exhausting and refreshing at the same time!

Taken right after I was asked by Randy to join Ad Deum.  
Can you see the excitement?


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