Come Away With Me!

It has been a long time coming, but I finally have a blog!  I am in a new season of life, with new adventures on the horizon, and I want you to be able to join me.  This January, I will be moving to Kona, Hawaii for 9 months to serve Youth with A Mission (YWAM).  <--This has also been a long time coming, and I will be sharing that process in other blog posts soon.  It is my hope that you will get to experience the awe and wonder of God as I share stories that have led me to this decision, and as I share new stories of my experiences with YWAM. 

If you know me, you know that I am a dancer.  And if you really know me, you know that beyond that, I am a worshipper.  My journey with dance started when my mom put me in dance at 2.5 years old.  She had no idea what she was getting herself into!  The majority of my dance training growing up came from a local studio (South Dayton School of Dance) that had a pre-professional dance company (South Dayton Dance Theatre).  We had great training, with opportunities to work with great choreographers, allowing us to train in a professional manner.  

Senior year of high school, I had a hard time deciding if I would continue with a dance by majoring in college or going with a more "economical career", but I decided to follow my dreams and majored in ballet at the University of Cincinnati.  I was given many wonderful opportunities my first year there, but quickly discovered that I missed modern dance and decided to transfer to Wright State University.  I went on to receive my B.A. in Psychology, while dancing with Dayton Contemporary Dance Second Company for three years.  Those were a tough three years, but so essential to my training.  I learned so much about the professional dance world, about life, and met some wonderful people.

Senior year of college, I auditioned for different dance companies, but didn't get any offers so I decided to move to Tucson, Arizona where I had some friends that had recently moved there.  I was blessed to dance there with a great group of woman at New ARTiculations dance company for nine months before I moved back home to Ohio.  My time in Tucson was HARD physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I was feeling ready to give up on my dream of dance and decided to give it one last go with auditions.  If I didn't receive any offers to dance with a dance company then I would head back to grad-school.  

This is where Ad Deum Dance Company came into the picture and changed everything! Another blog for another day!   

Never give up on your dreams!


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