Life at YWAM

A little update on what I have been doing at YWAM:

Since coming to Hawaii in January, God has been teaching me and stretching me so much.  I can see the favor He has given me by making me a Mission Builder (volunteer on campus with free housing and food) for my first three months here.  I have had the privilege of serving the School of Performing Arts (SOPA) by teaching their dance classes and by helping to choreograph for various things.  There are only two students in this particular school, but because Kona is the only YWAM base that offers this course, they didn't want to cancel the course because these girls have been waiting for this class in order to finish their degree with the University of the Nations.  Both girls have been in YWAM for years and have hearts for performing arts ministry.  One student, from Malaysia, has had a lot of dance training and has worked with HeartBridge Performing Arts Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Kona for a couple years.  My other student, from Canada, has had very minimal dance training, but I am continually inspired by her courage to try new things, and the progress that she has made in just 3 months.  Her dream is to one day direct her own version of a Christian Cirque du Soleil so she is working hard to learn about all of the various aspects of how to bring that together, including learning dance technique so she can better choreograph and recognize excellent skill in the artists she works with.

During the week, I teach ballet and modern/contemporary classes to my two SOPA students and the three SOPA staff, and in the evenings, we open up our SOPA classes for other people on the campus to join.  I love doing this because I wanted other dancers on the campus to be able to keep training and enjoy dance while they are here as students or staff.  I am even more excited about the kids dance classes that I started on Saturdays. The kids here on campus don't normally have the opportunity to take dance classes given that their parents are missionaries working as YWAM staff or because they are only here for 6 months.  I had one parent tell me that his daughter looks forward to my class all week.  

Teaching the open classes has allowed me to feel more like I am doing ministry and has, also, allowed me to meet a lot more people on the campus from all over the world (Brazil, England, Australia, Germany, China, Norway, France, South Korea...).  These classes are donation based (suggested donation of $5-$15) so they can pay whatever they want for taking the class, and if they don't have the money to pay, they can take the class for free!  I am much more concerned with blessing them than receiving money, but the donations that I do receive for teaching, goes towards my DTS fees.  I always pray that there is something in my class that God will plant in them that will continue to grow after they leave and when they go back home to their own nation.  

Another door the Lord has opened for me is the opportunity to dance with the HeartBridge Company at important leadership dinners hosted at YWAM's founder Loren Cunningham's house.  Since the University of the Nations campus is the main headquarters for YWAM, leaders from YWAM bases and ministries around the world come here to Kona every March for meetings to stay united in mission and vision.  HeartBridge had the privilege of dancing for Wycliffe Bible Translators (an organization with the mission to make the bible available in every language in the world), YWAM's Advisory Board (business men, scientists, etc. who help to keep YWAM running efficiently), the Presidents of YWAM bases around the world, and KIngs Kids leaders (an organization out of YWAM for young kids) from around the world.   I thank God for these opportunities to bless and refresh these influential people while they are here in Kona.

In April, I will no longer be a Mission Builder and will officially be a YWAM student in the HeartBridge Performing Arts DTS. I feel very strongly that the Lord is calling me to do this at this time.  My DTS will consist of approximately 25 staff and students, that I will get to serve by teaching them dance and helping them revise some of the choreography for their Prodigal Son production that they take on outreach to Brazil, Chile, and *SURPRISE!* the "Midwest" of the United States!  I have been given a unique opportunity to serve with my specific skill and knowledge, while at the same time being a student myself.  It is rare to be given any kind of leadership role as a student.  I feel that during this time I will learn more about dance and missions, leadership, discipleship, and mentoring that I will use in future ministry work. 

I don't have many specific details about my DTS outreach yet, but what I do know is that we will spend time at the Olympics in Brazil, in the hopes to reach the nations by sharing the gospel with the people who will travel there from all over the world to watch.  I'm sure we will also minister through our Prodigal Son production in surrounding areas and other cities in Brazil, as well as during our time in Chile.  

I am SUPER excited about our ministry time in the United States!  Loren Cunningham personally invited our HeartBridge DTS team to join him on his tour through the middle of the United States with our Prodigal Son production.  We will start in Houston, TX (can you believe it!!!!!!), go to IHOP in Kansas City, MO for a conference, and end in Chicago, IL, stopping in multiple other cities along the way.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to travel with the 80 year old founder of YWAM.  This man has been to every nation in the world, has so many golden nuggets and experiences to share, and carries the DNA of YWAM itself.  He had a vision of youth going out and sharing the gospel through short term missions (which were not common in that day), and God exploded YWAM to now have over 1,100 mission bases training people of all ages and nationalities, in over 180 countries.  God's plans are always way bigger than our own, but I guess that is part of what gives Him all the glory!

Doing DTS is still a huge leap of faith for me and I would REALLY value your prayers during this time.  Being the dance teacher means that I don't get to take many dance classes myself, which is a challenge for me technically and creatively, but has pushed me to depend on the Lord on a deeper level as I rely on Him for my only source of inspiration.  Sometimes I feel under-qualified for the job I have been given, but it has been good to take on new challenges.  If we never step out of our comfort zones and only rely on our own strengths, we will never discover what we are capable of or how far God wants to take us.  Take a risk!

And as I take this risk, I would really value your prayers in the area of finances.  It is a scary thing to rely on God to provide, but as I try to be obedient to what I feel the Lord has asked me to do, I stand on the truth that He is faithful. I am looking for people who believe in me and what I am doing, to partner with me financially to share Christ's love through dance.  This is not just my ministry, but it becomes our ministry when you provide the means for me to stay in Hawaii by being a student/dance teacher for the HeartBridge DTS, and the University of the Nations campus, and the nations.  And this is the beauty of the body of Christ, we work together to reach the lost (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).  So PLEASE don't give money to me out of obligation, because it is my desire that my team would share in my vision and mission to love other's through dance and to help them find wholeness and purpose in Christ.  

If you are interested in partnering with me financially you can do it here by clicking on "Partners" on the Aaron+Hur webpage.  All of the money will be put toward my DTS that starts April 7th.  

If you have any questions for me or any personal prayer requests, my email is I would love to pray for you!


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