New Things

I've been set up.

He knew all along and prepared the way without me even knowing.

Let me rewind to back when I was getting my undergrad.  I changed my major three times in school. I began as a ballet major, then switched to pre-med for a year to become a pharmacist, and when that didn't seem right, I changed again and graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology with the intent to become a counselor.  I remember it was a big ordeal to change my degree to Psychology.  It took a lot to convince my parents that this in fact was the degree I wanted to graduate with.  It was always my plan to pursue my dance performance career and then once I retired, go to graduate school.

After graduating,  I left Ohio and began my dance career.  I not only got to dance professionally, but my eyes were also opened to how I could use my dance to bless others.  I met amazing people that have influenced my life and marked my heart forever.  Dancing professionally opened the door to dance missions and teaching, which then led me to YWAM and many other nations that I was blessed to serve.

When I came to SC, I had no idea that I would be staying here.  (You can find that story here).  Plugging in somewhere that shared the same vision and heart for using dance to glorify God was important to me and is what ultimately led me to stay here longer.  Somewhere along the line, my interest in counseling decreased and I became increasingly interested in Speech Language Pathology.  When I learned that the university here had a MSP program, I decided to start getting my ducks in a row to apply.

  • I took a GRE prep course that coordinated perfectly with my work schedule.  
  • I took my GRE and got high enough scores to apply to the program, which was a miracle in itself, because I am not a good test taker.  
  • I met with the director of the program who by the end of the meeting declared, "You will go to school here!" I wasn't sure if I should take that as a prophetic statement or if he says that to everyone haha.
  • I found two professors to write Academic Recommendations for me, which was also a miracle, because I graduated 8 years ago and I don't think either of them remembered me, but were very helpful and encouraging.
I turned in my application and the waiting began.  Three long months and I found out I was placed on the waiting list for the program.  While waiting is hard I am so thankful for that stressful time because it revealed to me that this was something that I really wanted.  

March 27th I received my acceptance letter.  I was of course excited and honored to get into the program, but I was mostly thankful that what I had been sensing that the Lord was saying to me all along was in fact Him.  

He most definitely paved the way for me to do this program.  I have no idea what to expect, but I know that I am in His will and that is my favorite place to be.  All of this is a surprise to me, but He knew all along.  He knew that I would need in-State tuition so He brought me here a year before and placed me in a beautiful community of people at the dance studio.  He even placed me in a house over 8 months ago, with two amazing roommates, that is only ten minutes from school.  

Seeing how I have been set up always brings a smile to my face.  He is a GOOD Father.  Let Him be your guide.  You don't have to have all of the answers or know why things are happening, but you can trust that He is always working on your behalf when you seek first the Kingdom.


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